Thursday, February 13, 2014

everything is easier

It's amazing what I used to think was stressful or hard. Having kids really puts things into perspective. For instance, studying. I have to study for the NRP exam that I'm required to renew every two years for my job. On monday the kids went to daycare for the whole day because I had an afternoon meeting. I used the morning hours without my kids (rare) to study for this test.
I was sprawled out on my comfy couch reading the book and taking notes. It was GLORIOUS. I thought to myself "remember when I thought this was hard?" Back in college when I thought my life was so stressful. Now, I will say that yes it was stressful. I will give it that. But hard? Maybe a little, but nothing compared to having kids. Studying is relaxing compared to my children. You get to sit on the couch while you read and write. It's for no one but YOU. It's all about YOU and advancing YOURSELF. It's productive and concrete and you can actually mark things off your list and feel like you're getting somewhere.
Being home taking care of kids is mind numbing, unproductive and you are constantly doing for others and giving of yourself to them. There is no time for yourself to do anything you would like to do, other than the tiny window of time when you hopefully get them to all nap at once and then you have to decide between productivity and rest for that hour and a half.
I hear people at work complain about how much they don't wanna be at work and I think "this is my break, this is my day off". Even work is easy compared to being at home.
And people without kids say "I really need a vacation" and I think "a vacation from what? Every day is a vacation for you." they go home and do whatever they want whenever they want. Four days a week all to themselves and the other three are spent at EASY work. And they only have to get themselves ready for that day, no one else. SO EASY!
I never ever realized how easy I had it before kids. Now everything is so hard.

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