Thursday, May 29, 2014

sacrifice and charity

Since having kids, I have no time or energy to give to any type of charity work, nor do I have any money to give as all my money is tied up in daycare costs.
Should I feel bad? Guilty?
Well,  I've decided that the answer is a big fat no! Having kids is the ultimate sacrifice. I've given up all my time, all my interests and all my money to care for these little people. I dedicate every moment of my life to make sure they are fed, clothed, happy, educated, and mentally stable.
Anyone can make one trip to an orphanage or donate some money to starving children, but the real challenge would be to take three of those kids home with you and be completely responsible for them for the rest of your life.
Having kids has taught me so many lessons and changed me as a person in so many ways, and one of those is learning what true sacrifice is. Giving of your whole self.
Being the best mom I can be and doing my best to put my kids first is my responsibility and how I'm currently serving God. My children are Gods children that he has given to me to guide and help turn them into good people.
It is a difficult job, but like any mission, it also brings immense rewards.
The twins are almost two and I am very proud of myself for making it through those first two years without running away or going off the deep end. They were hard years, but I stuck with it and put my kids first.
I had felt bad that I haven't been going to church and I haven't been available to help people out, but it's because I've been helping three very needy people 24/7. I shouldn't feel bad about that.
Being a mom is the ultimate mission, charity and sacrifice.

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