Friday, June 6, 2014


Having kids starts off as a very selfish act. We want a baby to love. We want to experience parenthood. We want to feel what it's like to carry a baby in our belly. We want our OWN baby. A baby that has our genetics, that will look like us and act like us. We know the world is over populated and doesn't need more children, but we still want our own. Selfish.
And then they get here. It's amazing and wonderful and everything you selfishly wanted.
But, it quickly turns into the most selfless thing you've ever done. Once you get that baby home from the hospital, reality hits you hard in the face. You give up sleep, decent meals, showers, your body, energy, time to do ANYTHING for yourself, tons of money and often your sanity. All to care for this precious baby we so selfishly wanted. Being a parent may start off as a personal desire but it becomes the most selfless thing anyone can ever do. It's not a temporary act of kindness. It's a lifelong commitment to putting someone else before yourself. Often you even lose part of yourself when you take on the identity of "mom".
I don't think anyone who is not a parent knows the true meaning of being a completely selfless person and truly giving all of yourself. Except maybe Jesus.
Since being a mom, I have less respect for anyone who is not yet a parent. (I am NOT talking about people who have fertility issues but are trying to be parents. For these people, I feel incredible sympathy!)
I'm talking about people who are just waiting to have kids or don't want them at all. I get it, I do, and I''m not saying anyone should have kids before they're ready. Enjoy your time! I did.
But what I feel is that they just don't "know" yet. They are on a completely different level of experience in life. Their complaints are petty. Their conversations are pointless. They seem, well, selfish.

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