Thursday, June 12, 2014

why the negative?

I blog about all the negative parts of motherhood because I feel like it's the taboo part that no one talks about.
EVERYONE talks about how much they love their kids, how they are such blessings, the best thing that ever happened to them, the light of their life etc etc
and yes they are all of that. We know. Of course.
But to say that sometimes you have days where you wish you could have a mom break is a little off limits. People look at you like you're a horrible person if you don't love every single second of every single day.
In the first two years I often say that I love my kids, but I don't love being a mom.
They are amazing but the daily grind is not.
So, having a blog to talk about the negative does not mean I don't feel just as amazingly about my kids as all the bubbly posting moms, it just means I want to be realistic and maybe make another mom out there feel like they're not alone when they are having a rough day (or week or month).

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