Thursday, June 12, 2014

the best they could

Since having kids, the thing I learned most about my parents is that they did the best they could. We're all doing the best we can. I will never again judge any decision my parents made or blame them for any negative part of my life or how I turned out. 
No one knows how to perfectly raise kids to be perfect people. We all try the best we know how. 
Am I feeding them the right foods? Disciplining enough or too little or the right way? Do I say no too much? Say yes too much? Give them too much or too little attention? Am I emotionally available? Do I talk about things too much or not enough? Am I over protective or too lax?
So many things to try and do right and what I now realize about my parents is THEY ARE PEOPLE TOO. 
As kids, our parents are like teachers to us. They fill one role and one role only. We don't see them as being their own person outside of caring for us. Like when you see your teacher at the grocery store and you're almost shocked to see them there.
We think our parents job is to cater to our every need and be there for us whenever we need them. But once you have your own kids, you realize just how high of expectations you had for your parents. 
Parents are still people with their own interests and needs. We still need breaks, time for ourselves, rest etc...
My parents worked hard and did the best they could. Did they make any mistakes? I'm sure they did. I'm also sure I'm making mistakes as well. 

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